08/22…of the day

Over the next couple of days I will be featuring some highlights from my experience at The Global Leadership Summit in Chicago.  So amazing!

Verse of the Day:
“Long ago the Lord said to Israel:
“But I am like an olive tree, thriving in the house of God.
I will always trust in God’s unfailing love.”
~Ps 52:8

Quotes from session 5 – Wess Stafford (CEO Compassion International):
Tough Callings
Who really are the hero’s among us?”

Quotes from session 5 – Mama Maggie Gobran  (Founder – Stephen’s Children Ministry, “Mother Theresa of Cairo”
Tough Callings

Everyone who experiences the fragrance of eternity has to experience the valley of death.”
True elegance comes from the inside – from love.”
It’s the moment when you die to yourself that you discover the beauty of life.”
Silence your body to listen to words, silence your tongue to listen to your thoughts, silence your thoughts to listen to your heart beating, silence your heart to listen to your spirit, silence your spirit to hear His.”

Quotes from session 5 – Bill Hybels:
Tough Callings – Jeremiah
At the end of the lament, he says ‘throughout all of this, God’s mercies were new to me every morning.’ What he did was hard, and never successful in the eyes of the world, but he felt the sweetness of God underneath it all.”

Video of the Day:

currently listening to “Yearbook (up to now)” by Sleeping at Last

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